Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nepal2011: Porters

May 2011
Nepalese Porters (men, women, and children) are strong, proud, and joyful people.  

They carry heavy loads of 60 - 80 - 120 pounds. Over rugged, rocky, slippery, hilly terrain. 

Our porters always greet us with smiles and laughter, despite furrowed brows, drenched in sweat. Our youngest porter is 16 years old.  Our eldest is 44, and the deep lines on his face are tell-tale of a lifetime of physical labour.

I am embarrassed that my boots cost as much as a porter’s annual income, yet he wears flip-flops while carrying my load.

These porters never complain.  
Sometimes we may think life is treating us badly
so we feel justified in complaining.
But we are alive, and our hardships are insignificant 
in comparison with the life struggles of 
most Nepalese people. 
We should not complain. Ever.

I have heard that ostomates
should avoid being too physical
and avoid weights that could cause hernias.

I didn’t listen.

Yes we can.
An ostomate could be a porter!

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